Thursday, January 21, 2010

33. 36.- Let's Start Here

So because of my hiatus, I am a little bit behind, or something like that, but I have managed to get a couple of things checked off.

While in Zimbabwe I got 33. Get second ear piercing. I winced and cried like a little girl...actually the lady said none of the little girls all day had cried and this was all before she even put the piercing gun close to my ear.Once the horrendous experience ( a whole minute of a slight pinch) was over. I felt quite ridiculous for the dramatic and tearful experience I provided the jewelery store employees but its all in a days work.

36. Try 10 new restaurants.

Mom and I went to this place on Monday and I a good time. Its one of those big screens on every wall, playing every imaginable sport known to man. The food was okay, nothing mind blowing as to be expected in a place that specializes in a tower of beer. ha ha.

So it seems I am making slow but steady progress.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Your Past: A Legacy?

Recently, I feel like the past is so very much my present. Whether its that I see a person that at one point was major fixture in my life or song will trigger a memory  and I am struck with a deep feeling of nostalgia so much so, I wish I could return to that moment. It is widely agreed upon that the past helps shape the character and personality of a person, as well as the decisions we make or don't make, the invitations to go out we accepted or declined as small as it might seem, it make up the sum total of experiences that define a part of the present.

Lately, I find myself turning over decisions I made in the past or decisions as current as yesterday and wondering if it was the right choice. I am not into regretting my past, I am all about embracing it, taking whatever lesson to be had and promptly moving on. Earlier today I made a comment about my past not leaving me alone and someone said it was my legacy. Looking back on my life thus far, there is nothing I have done, that I am intensely proud of and there is nothing I have done I regret or am shameful of. I might have regretted somethings in the moment after but in retrospect it is just something that happened. I know that feelings fade with time but there are some things that the feelings are the exact same as they were the moment they happened and no matter how many years I am removed from that moment, I will feel the same amount of  disappointment, joy, glee or whatever feelings. Are these moments the legacy as they never fade?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Catching Up is Hard To Do

I haven't written a blog in a little over two months and that means, I am behind in my 101 in 1001 list among other things. It sucks to be behind but the reason for it was totally well worth it. The time I spent with my family was incredible. Just being back was a truly amazing experience to the point of I did not want to come back. 2009 was a year of plenty of changes and I am sure 2010 will be as well. I spent the last two months of the year in Zimbabwe with my family. It was a time of celebrations and plenty of togetherness. One of my sisters(cousin) got married and I got to reconnect with my family. I had a good time and I have made a decision to go back a lot more often than the previous years. I have a lot to catch up on, and the beginning of 2010 will be dedicated to doing just that, but i also hope it will will be filled with new adventures, opportunities, laughter and all that jazz.