Thursday, November 5, 2009

the journey home.

I have been truly blessed. I have wonderful friends (you know you who are, or at least I hope I have told you). Those can say they know me and there aren't that many of them, would completely agree and say that I don't always see the silver lining and I am more pessimistic than most. However, in the recent weeks, even I can see all that I have been blessed with and truly be thankful. As I am writing this, I am sitting on a flight back home. In the sense that is home if where the heart is, then mine is split between the place of my birth, my heritage, where I will always belong and the place I grew up and became who I am today. I am journeying back home, yet I am leaving home behind. I have been at plenty of crossroads before and I am at one now. I am excited yet wary. Who I was when I left is no longer who I am now. Those places that I once knew so well are they going to feel foreign? Am I a torist or am I going back home and it would be like riding a bike( which took me three years to learn how to ride by the way)?

Either I want it or not is going to be a time to reflect. I have been feeling a little lost maybe this trip home will help me find my way. I have joked about going and not coming back, but who knows really, a lot can happen in two months. There are plenty of things I am going to miss, here is a list:

Thursdays with Lanira, no one can watch movies like we do, Angsty phone calls from Becks about whatever boy is the flavour of the week., Bella's crazy drama, she truly belongs in France drinking cafe in a Cafe, Crazy weekends with my boys from Wilmington and my GC loves who also provide the best entertainment, random but very welcome calls from great friends just calling to catch up because we  haven't spoken to in ages but it feels like we have just seen each other yesterday and the emails exchanged over which wedding photographer to pick, Skype Video chat just because we can, the spur of the moment trip because someone doesn't want to drive alone, attempts to hang out with those two I have known forever( I say attempt because its a blue moon we actually manage it ;) conversations about just how lost and conflicted were are, Starbucks Venti Vanilla Lattes, Bones, House, Glee, Cougar Town, and every other show I watch on T.V and many things I am sure I am forgetting. I am also going to gain a lot, I will spend time with my family face to face and it will be awesome.

I am gonna stop now before I actually cry while I write this.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

#60 flexing the creative muscles.

I write occasionally. Sometimes I am really proud of what I accomplish, others I am glad I am the only person that has seen the nonsense that finds itself on a page without my knowledge. Part of the 101 challenge is to write a poem a month, now whether the poem will be good; well that's up to opinion and I always take those with a grain of salt or simply ignore them if I so choose. I do welcome constructive criticism- this means you have something to add thats relevent and will help instead of just saying I don't like it. So for the first in a series of 33, wow maybe I can publish a book after this ha. I present a little poem, thats been edited so many times I barely recognize ( apparently a writer never truly finished the editing process)  but I somehow like it. 

a moment in time given

to the pain that coils about my body
like the comfort that made me cry
when you touched me like a family heirloom
Passed down
Precious and priceless
used and useless
I felt like I was
anywhere but my own skin.
the laugh lines around my eyes

become the only souvenirs of 

our time together. 
I find myself grasping for memories 
 that were once as vivid 
as this moment. 

your scent clings to me
becoming the essence of
another version of myself
altered by moments infused by your laughter
deceived by words that wrapped around me
comfortable, toxic

I don't know why I wrote it, but its out there now. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

busy as a bee.

It's been a week since I put up and committed to my list of a 101 things I want to accomplish in 2 .75 years and I've got to say, I am off to a bad start. I have yet to attempt even a single thing on the list. I don't even have a better excuse than life happens. In the past week, I have gotten into a fender bender, my first in my driving career. I was more pissed of than anything that it happened. I wasn't even on my phone or anything. It was one of those things that blindside you when you have plans and a million things to accomplish and no room in your budget to accommodate such things. The only thing is that it could have been much worse than it was but at the same I keep thinking it didn't need to happen at all. After the excitement of the minor traffic accident, I went with a friend to Washington D.C for four days. It was fun, I love DC and am making moves to make it my new address. Being the dork that I am,I salivated and spent an obscene amount of time at the Library of Congress. The place is awesome . The picture below, is one of the many things I love about the Library of Congress. Its of the Goddess Athena or Minerva. 

Not only was it fun, but I think I got some serious work out. We walked the National Mall from Capitol Hill, all the way to the Lincoln Memorial. I finally got to see all of that stuff so it was cool. Now I wish I had put some of the things I did this past weekend on my list, a lot of things would be getting crossed off. I plan on going back, there is still much to see in the federal city. 

I am hoping that things will settle down this week and I can sort of get back in the groove of things but I know its only wishful thinking, I have to start packing for my trip to Zimbabwe. I am excited, overwhelmed, scared, and just downright  think its weird that I am finally going back. I know I am going to feel like an outsider in a place I still consider home. I've changed and Zimbabwe has definitely changed, so hopefully it will be a nice to reacquaint 

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

i want to be free.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure , the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

These days I am a fan of doing anything to break the monotomy of everyday life, so when I got the opprtunity of watching a movie( love it) for free(even better) I found myself agreeing before I even heard what movie it was, it turns out they were tickets to watch Amelia my excitement dropped a little. I love going to the movies, there is something about that big screen and the surround sound that just helps you get sucked into the story and for the popcorn, I am pretty sure is not a movie going experience without popcorn. I was't excited about watching Amelia because (excuse the critic for a minute) I didn't think that Hilary Swank could convince me that she was this larger than life woman who changed history. I walked in ready to hate everything about it, I was prepared to criticize at every chance. What I didn't except though was connecting so utterly with Amelia's life so much. The one thing she repeatedly said was that she just wanted to be free, free to see and experience the world.Through her passion, she was able to change the lives of many who only dreamed but never dared to try. When I walked into the movie, exactly how it was going to end and I was okay it that, when I walked out, I was planning a full blown search in my mind, she was probably just stuck on a cloud or something.

On the drive home, "I want to be free" sort of became a mantra in my head. It kept repeating itself over and over again, pushing to be forefront of every word I wanted to say. "I want to be free", it's a simple enough concept that everyone dreams of  but the execution of  the concept  is the difficult journey. For me that is the journey of life.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

to the future and beyond.

Life is not a spectacle or a feast; it is a predicament. - George Santayana

I have taken on an awfully big adventure. There is a project called the DayZero Project in which you put together a list of a 101 things to do in 1001 days. It took me a while to finish this list before it doesn't seem like a lot but a 101 things is quite a lot when you have to come up with them. This project was brought to my attention by Rebecca and I have tried to get other friends to join in. I like the flexibility and the motivation it sort gives you to try to be proactive about the things you've always wanted to do.

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days? 
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

October 19, 2009-July 15, 2012 

1)      Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years.
2)      Go to a music festival
3)      Go to Disneyworld
4)      Tip 100% to a really good server
5)      Take a vow of silence for 24 hours. 5 times.
6)      Complete a list of 100 things that make me happy
7)      Complete the Lord of Rings trilogy
8)      Finish seeing all 50 states. 20 down.
10)  Attend a Symphony
11)  Read 50 books
12)  Watch AFI’s Top 100 movies of all time (0/100)
13)  Road trip to Seattle
14)  Move to Washington, D.C
15)  Take a Picture of myself everyday for a year
16)  Spend the day at a spa
17)  Learn to identify 15 constellations
18)  Learn to Tango
19)  Be “Yes Man” for a week.
20)  Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans
21)  Get a tattoo
22)  Learn how to make Sushi
23)  Go wine tasting  in Napa
24)  Make a Clock
25)  Take kickboxing class
26)  Go to a Drive- In movie
27)  Unplug for a weekend(0/5)
28)  Play in the rain
29)  Go to a shooting range
30)  Spend a weekend in Las Vegas
31)  Go on a cruise
32)  See 5 shows on Broadway shows
33)  Get second ear piercing
34)  Pay for coffee for the person behind me at Starbucks
35)  Bake Bread
36)   Try  10 new restaurants
37)  Lose 60 pounds
38)  Learn to meditate  and do so once a week (0/143)
39)   Try Pilates/Yoga
40)  Buy a DSLR camera
41)  Buy a Mac Book
42)  Try  one new recipe a month (0/33)
43)  Find a Job
44)  Finish a Master’s Program
45)  Get debt free
46)  Eat at Top Chef winner Harold Dietarle’s restaurant Perilla in NY
47)  Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen regularly
48)  Go the World Cup in 2010
49)  Train and run a 5k
50)  Ride a mechanical bull
51)  Eat dinner on top of the Space needle
52)  Join/start a book club
53)  See John Mayer in concert
54)  Save $50 dollars a month(0/33)
56)  Go to the Harry Potter themed section of Islands of Adventure
58)  Get CPR certified
59)  Get a new pair of glasses
60)  Write a poem every month (0/33)
61)  Write in my journal once a week ( 0/143)
62)  Start my memoirs
63)  Go to 15 shows/concerts (0/15)
64)  Cook a 7 course meal for friends
65)  Drink more water
66)  Travel cross country by train
67)  Visit Mount Rushmore
68)  Write  a screenplay
69)  Go a ballet
71)  Attend a Film Festival
72)  Complete a New York Times Sunday Puzzle ( 0/3)
73)  Learn to ice skake
75)  Participate in a Scavenger Hunt
77)  Do 25 random acts of kindness (0/25)
78)  Go to a Jazz/Blues bar in Chicago
79)  See How to Succeed in Business on Broadway
80)  Bake a cake from scratch
81)  Take myself out once a month (0/33)
82)  Take a Sign Language Class
83)  Treat Mom to a Trip
84)  Buy a Car
85)  Attend a food and wine festival
86)  Create a cocktail
87)  Learn how to use chopsticks properly
88)  Be an audience for Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert
89)  Eat 100% organic for a month( make habit)
90)  Stay in bed and breakfast for a weekend
91)  Compete a 1000 piece puzzle
92)  Go to the Renaissance Fair
93)  Ride the Ferris Wheel at Santa Monica Pier
94)  Go a professional Sporting Event
95)  Listen to Rolling Stones’ Top 500 songs(0/500)
96)  See Jason Mraz in concert
97)  Master 7 Classic Julia Childs Recipes
98)  Buy a digital camera
99)  Buy a pair of expensive jeans
100) Organize iTunes Library 
101) Spend a Weekend in Charleston, S.C

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

the business of faith: calling all you angels.

"Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.  Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.  Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil." - Proverbs 4:23-27

Over the last couple of weeks, the issue of faith has come up a lot in my daily interactions with people and every time I have sat down to write a new entry, its always on the forefront of my mind, but I always choose a different topic because I always think I am not ready to talk about or that I can't even talk about it because I wouldn't know where to begin. Being from a pretty religious family, I certainly remember mandatory church Sundays with my grandmother while growing up  where I thought I got nothing out of the whole experience but lost playtime. As I grew older and mom started forcing me to go church, I was determined not to get anything from the experience if it killed me because I didn't want to be there. On top of that, I went to a catholic high school where not praying before each class period was the odd thing to do. With each church related experience, the further away from the whole experience I pulled away, until eventually I became jaded by the whole idea of faith. 

I want to say I blame the plenty of hypocrisy I experienced but to me its not even a good enough reason. Yes there are hypocritical Christians, but why should I let them determine my experience? During family gatherings, the issue of faith and belief if guaranteed to come up and for as long as I can remember I have always cited that faith is a personal thing. That my relationship with God, my faith and my belief is my and God alone, no one else should tell me what I should and should not do to be a "good Christian", what music to listen to, what to watch what to read, because those things to me do not affect my faith or lack there of. 

I have always been hesitant of talking about faith,church and stuff,  on most days I think I am a non believer, on my better days I wonder about my faith. I know that faith is a journey,  a personal one that is not easy and one that should be taken out of a person's free will and not forced or done to make other people happy. I have going to church ever since I can remember, less in the past couple of years because of college and just being disillusioned with the whole idea. I know doing to church doesn't make you a believer, it certainly wasn't that way for me, but I think its because church is an extension of your faith. I resent people who tell me, that church is the only way to pray. If my catholic education taught me anything its that prayer can happen anywhere, at anytime.   At the momemt I am not sure where I am in my faith but that's for me to find out as time goes by. 

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Men I Didn't Marry.

She sifted through her laundry list of lovers. Crossing out the inadequate ones she created the perfect portfolio of passion.
by William Reschkle

I suck at relationships. This might be my trust issues but I am convinced that my real problem is the many romantic comedies I have seen over the years.  I mean were is my tall, funny, handsome, witty, charming, successful, caring, responsible, awesome, thoughtful, amazing man. The one thats going to chase after me and convince me to be with him with the perfect words. Now I am well aware that men in these romantic comedies with their charming smiles do not actually exist because they are of a generic perfection, they appeal to every woman in that movie theater watching and falling in love just as much as I am but in the end you don't really want a laundry list of qualities, you want something solid and I think that's hard to come by and there should never be any settling.  I'm currently reading this book called "The Men I Didn't Marry" and it's all about looking back on your relationship past and wondering if you maybe ended it too soon or stayed too long or that your current relationship isn't the right one but you stay anyways because is comfortable, familiar but you're ultimately unhappy.  In the past weeks I have witnessed long term relationships come to and end and while its and unhappy time I commend those who make that decision to set each other free to try to find happiness elsewhere. 

There are a few times I mind being single, but mostly I think this is the right thing for right now. I refuse to settle just I could say I am in a relationship.