Friday, October 2, 2009

The Men I Didn't Marry.

She sifted through her laundry list of lovers. Crossing out the inadequate ones she created the perfect portfolio of passion.
by William Reschkle

I suck at relationships. This might be my trust issues but I am convinced that my real problem is the many romantic comedies I have seen over the years.  I mean were is my tall, funny, handsome, witty, charming, successful, caring, responsible, awesome, thoughtful, amazing man. The one thats going to chase after me and convince me to be with him with the perfect words. Now I am well aware that men in these romantic comedies with their charming smiles do not actually exist because they are of a generic perfection, they appeal to every woman in that movie theater watching and falling in love just as much as I am but in the end you don't really want a laundry list of qualities, you want something solid and I think that's hard to come by and there should never be any settling.  I'm currently reading this book called "The Men I Didn't Marry" and it's all about looking back on your relationship past and wondering if you maybe ended it too soon or stayed too long or that your current relationship isn't the right one but you stay anyways because is comfortable, familiar but you're ultimately unhappy.  In the past weeks I have witnessed long term relationships come to and end and while its and unhappy time I commend those who make that decision to set each other free to try to find happiness elsewhere. 

There are a few times I mind being single, but mostly I think this is the right thing for right now. I refuse to settle just I could say I am in a relationship. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I refuse to settle, even if I end up an old spinster with 500 cats... at least I'm not stuck in a loveless, unhappy relationship with a man who I committed to because of fear.

    But it would be nice, just for once, to have a man that adores me... and one that I, in turn, adore back.
