Wednesday, February 29, 2012

may you live in interesting times ...

It seems that life always seems to get in the way of my actually writing about it, so I am just going to say  I think it makes for an interesting update. As the saying goes, change is the actual constant in life and I live to embrace that. Since I was around, a lot has happened.
I went to Zimbabwe for about a month. It's always bittersweet, because I never want to leave and I always end up imaging my life had I not moved to North Carolina. It was an amazing time, seeing family is always refreshing. 

I moved to Washington, D.C . The transition has been blessedly painless thanks to friends and I am trying to just my footing with a new city. I do like it here and I am just waiting to see what else it has to offer me in the months to come. I am hoping for the six figure salary ha ha. I am taking it a day at a time as so far so good 

I turned 25...much to my dismay as I don't think 16 year old me would be pleased the the whole lot of nothing on the things I imagined I would be doing when I turned 25. At what age is I am trying to find myself stops being a legitimate answer?


Lastly, I have crossed off another thing on my 101 list of things to do (#14).

I am making a promise to myself to do at least a weekly blog.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the move
    I recently switched countries myself and finding friends is hard.

    I need to make a list like you did also
    I'm almost 50 and i haven't done all the things I wanted to do
