Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ruin'd Hopes

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. 
Joseph Campbell (1904 - 1987)

If we are dealt what we can handle, then I think someone overestimated my abilities, my strength and my character. I live in this volatile environment, where anything and everything is I do is tagged as having ulterior or sinister motive that I don’t have the energy to come up with because frankly, I am not that creative. I have been trying to handle not being free to do what I want and feeling like I am now achieving nothing with my life the way I have handled situations, head on. In order to curb my boredom, I have managed to pick up my old hobbies and some new ones. I am knitting (everyone is getting a scarf for Christmas), sewing, cooking and I am now a regular at the local library. I enjoy all these things and on some level I do enjoy the time off, but I wasn’t hardwired for this, I need to be busy. I think I am happier when I have a full schedule and I feel like I am contributing to society one way or another and knitting sweaters for people isn’t what I had in mind. I mean honestly, the most excitement I have had in the past couple of weeks is going the dollar theatre and watching Star Trek.

I feel like my life is slipping right though my hands with each day that I spend at home. It’s like I am waiting for something change, but I know that it’s me that has to make that change. Everyone around me seems to have their lives in order so to speak. I find myself being weary of going out around people because I know that inevitable “What are you doing now” question is going to be asked. I don’t have an interesting answer. I am not looking for outside approval. I could care less what people think, the problem lies with me and how I am disappointed in myself.  This life is not what I imagined or planned and learning to let go of plans and go with the flow is a hard pill to swallow. I like knowing where I am headed and why but lately I have no sense of direction and I am just going through the motions and hoping for the best.

I know the tide will turn. I just need it to happen now. 

1 comment:

  1. first of all... can my scarf be purple?

    think about it this way... because you're blind to where you're headed, life will be full of surprises?
